May 2021 Newsletter from the DC & DCCs Team

Date: 18th May 2021 Author: Heather Jones

April has sped by. Thank you to everyone who participated in the virtual St George’s Day; it was great to see hundreds of young people from across all our groups taking part. Hopefully it will be the last one online! It was also a chance to say goodbye to Ben Pearson after so many years of service to Ealing & Hanwell scouting – we will miss him! Huge congratulations again to Francis Curran of 1st Ealing North for being awarded a Queen Scout Award (more on that later).  As restrictions ease, many of us have started to get back to face to face Scouting – and what a joy it has been!

Here’s a summary of this month’s Newsletter

  • St George’s day.

  • YELLOW restrictions – What does it mean for us?

  • HQ update on Camping.

  • Skills Day  19th  June.

  • Walter Davies update.

  • District events.

  • Training update.

  • District Vacancies.

  • Jamboree 2023.

  • Skills training./ Adventure permits

  • Thank you day.

  • Recruitment campaign – #GOODFORYOU

Ealing & Hanwell St George’s Day event

Thank you to everyone that attended! If you want to relive the ceremony. Click here   –  Congratulations to all award recipients!

 A massive congratulations to Francis Curran  of 1st Ealing North!  Being awarded a QSA is no easy task. Francis says: The award itself encompassed a variety of areas, which all posed their own challenges, but I think the most challenging part of my Queen’s Scout Award was undertaking one of the values sections. For this portion of the award, I volunteered as a catechist (teacher) on the confirmation programme in my church. It was challenging as I had to adapt my existing skill sets and experience to engage 14 – 16 years olds in conversations about religion. I used my Scout leader knowledge and practice to enthuse the young participants on non-religious topics before introducing and following on with the confirmation session material, in a youth friendly, but most importantly, a digestible manner. I lacked confidence initially, but after the first few sessions my confidence grew and found that whilst teaching others I learnt a lot myself.

To shout out about the YP or leaders in your group – Get in touch with Nisha . We want to promote Scouting in Ealing and Hanwell by sharing your positive news stories!

YELLOW restrictions

From 17th May, England moved from Amber to Yellow.

This means:

  • Activities involving young people: no limit on group size but remain as only one section meeting independently of others. Note that indoor activities are limited by the size of your location as social distancing remains.

  • Residential activities: Nights away activities may take place, but with a maximum of 6 people (including young people and adults).

  • COVID measures such as social distancing and good hygiene remain in place.

  • No need to re-submit Covid RA if no change to what you and your section are doing

Full details:

Also please note the rules on the use of face coverings when indoors (and even in some cases when outdoors):

Don’t forget your District Activity Notification if meeting away from your normal meeting place.



From 17th May, camps can only have a maximum of 6 people, who must be socially distanced – so this really only allows for things like Explorers DofE expeditions. What happens next will depend on the government announcements ahead of June 21st.

Skills Day for Adults – Saturday 19th June

Mark Yates will be leading a backwoods skills day for Leaders at Walter Davies, with the support of Cliff Brooke. Please email if you think you would be interested in attending (max 30 places –  open to all adult leaders & section assistants; early booking advised). There will be a number of bases covering key outdoor and backwoods skills such as fire lighting, plus an opportunity to try out some of the on-site activities. Further details to follow.

Walter Davies update

Our new campsite manager, Cliff, has thrown himself into the job at full speed! He is working hard on Risk Assessments and Operating Procedures. The Bouldering walls are now finished. The Zip Wires and Crate Stacking have been taken out of service, but will be replaced by new activities in due course, and the Caving complex is being worked on following input from a structural engineer.

Air Rifles & Archery are fully functional and instructor courses will be offered soon – dates to follow.

Please contact Cliff and Pete about any events you want to run and they will help you plan everything.

District events

Plans are well underway for summer events for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Huge thanks to Tash, Martin and Stuart. Details / dates below.

Training update

There is a blended approach for First Aid training now, with the first half done virtually.

Visit the GLMW site to book onto these and other training modules:

Note: all mandatory training must be completed by September 15th – GSLs can discuss details with individuals.

To ensure that Compass gets updated, please alert your Training Adviser or GSL when you’ve completed any online module and also send Jenny Foxwell your completion certificate

District vacancies/help needed

We need volunteers to help organise our Remembrance Day Parade in November, and to support with recruitment events like Freshers Week. Please get in touch if you can help.

We still have several vacancies across the District Team.  Please contact Heather, Mandy or Nisha if you would like to know more, are interested or would like to recommend someone.

They are:

  • District Commissioner – Team Role

  • Deputy District Commissioner (14-25)

  • District Explorer Scout Commissioner

  • Duke of Edinburgh District Approver

  • District Network Scout Commissioner

  • Additional Nights Away Advisors (for different levels – need at least one for Green field)

Information from elsewhere


  • South Korea Jamboree 2023.  Leader recruitment is starting now. It is a challenging job requiring considerable commitment, but those who have been involved in the past have found it incredibly exciting and fulfilling. There’s going to be a roadshow in the Autumn to encourage young people to apply, and our aim as a District is to make the process as inclusive as possible and ensure that cost is not a barrier.

  • Adventure permits. GLMW are keen to run courses for Rifles, Archery, Climbing etc when there is enough demand. Please contact Jeff Vanderplank if you are interested.

National HQ:

Yours in Scouting

Heather, Mandy & Nisha

DC & DDC Team, Ealing & Hanwell



Wed 19th – GSLs meeting

Wed 26th – Campsite Committee (tbc)


Sat 5th & Sun 6th – E&H Beaver Activity Days at PACCAR

Wed 9th – District Executive Committee

(13th – GLMW Map Skills)

Sat 19th – Adult Leaders Outdoor Skills Sessions (at Walter Davies)


Fri 2nd – Campsite committee (tbc)

Mon 26th – Thurs 29th E&H Cub Camporee (non-residential)


Thurs 9th – District Executive Committee

Wed 22nd – District AGM


Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd – Totem competition for Scouts (non-residential if necessary – tbc)

Sat 9th – E&H Beaver Hike

Sun 10th – E&H Cub Monopoly Run

Tue 12th – Core Team meeting

Wed 20th – GSLs meeting


Sun 14th – Remembrance Sunday parade

Thurs 25th – District Executive


GLMW Ski Trip

We prepare young people with skills for life
Registered Charity Number 303622
Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

Find out more