November 2020 Newsletter from the DC Team
Hello again,
What a rollercoaster the last week or so has been! A second lock-down for England from 5th onwards, fireworks season, a hard-fought American election, recent hopeful news of a future vaccine, more difficult decisions for scouting nationally and of course Remembrance-tide.
We have so much to be grateful for – even at this difficult time when the restrictions are so hard for many of us to cope with once again, and people are dealing with both direct and indirect effects of COVID 19. A particular thank you to the leaders all across our District who had been providing such fantastic and hugely valuable f2f scouting over the last few weeks and months – and grateful thanks also to those who had started (or were continuing) Zoom meetings and the like. Sadly, many carefully planned f2f meetings and events must now be held over until the current Red phase is lifted – as we rely once again on the range of virtual methods to keep in touch with our young people, and try to offer them some support, skills for life and fun as best we can.
Thank you – what you’re doing is so important.
#RaceRoundTheWorld – Although technically a National HQ item of news we think we should mention it higher up before you drift off. Unless you live under a rock you will be aware of the financial challenges Scouts HQ are facing; they have been facing challenging increases in costs over several years but covid and the loss of significant commercial income, with no resumption of that income in sight, means that fundraising and some difficult decisions are being made. The fun bit is the fundraising. They are challenging existing Scouters, wannabe Scouters, and never been Scouters to walk a mile, either virtual or actual, and be sponsored whilst doing it…the more money raised the smaller the hole in their finances and the better HQ will be able to continue doing what they do…supporting us and the less financially stable groups around the country. Visit
Here’s a quick summary of this month’s Newsletter – it’s a shorter one than normal but we’re sure you won’t mind that.
Our District
News around the Groups
REQUEST FROM NISHA (for next GLMW Newsletter)
Training available via Zoom
National Scout HQ Updates
The Race around the World fundraiser – in the intro.
Zoom Extension
November update on financial challenges
Sunday 8th would have been our traditional opportunity to formally parade to remember and honour those that served in the armed forces. Like so many other events this year the London Borough of Ealing parade fell victim, largely due to the Royal British Legion wanting to keep their, mostly elderly, members safe. We were allowed one representative to attend the service and Andrew Woodward attended on our behalf. Thank you Andrew.
News around the groups
Before the recent 2nd lockdown, several Groups (among them 6E, 1EN and 9E) had run sessions at our County’s campsite PACCAR, while Brigantia and 16E had taken the opportunity to use the District’s Walter Davies site. When the current lockdown finishes, we will continue with the offer of 1 free visit per section for use of the fields at the District site – activities such as archery or rifles remain chargeable. We really feel for the 7th Hanwell Scouts who were due to be at the site on the Saturday after lockdown 2.0 started.
Request from Nisha for future GLMW News
Message from Nisha, in her new County role as one of their Media and Communication Managers “ We want to highlight what each of the districts are achieving on a month by month basis in GLMW News. So it makes sense to start close to home. We want to hear all about what groups/sections in Ealing and Hanwell have been up to – F2F or on Zoom, any great ideas to share with the County, great guests, particular achievements they are proud of etc – pictures too would be great! They need to be emailed to by 20th Nov to be included in the December GLMW newsletter”
Training Zooms
The County is running lots of the training modules as Zoom sessions. Visit
National Scout HQ
Race around the world – outlined in the Intro.
Zoom Extension. HQ have been negotiating with Zoom and have successfully got them to extend the free licensing for another 6 months which is great news. The District will continue to fund the two accounts we have for general use.
Recent info from HQ briefing re financial challenges faced by HQ
The trustees of the Scouts have faced some difficult decisions and last week communicated the outcome of these to the members. These will involve reducing the headcount by around 30%, selling Baden-Powell House and also Downe Scout Activity Centre. More info can be found here
Yours in Scouting
Heather and Ben
DC Team, Ealing & Hanwell