June 2021 – Newsletter from the DC and DDC Team

Date: 18th Jun 2021 Author: Heather Jones

Like the recent weather – baking hot one day, and heavy rain the next – it’s been a mixed bag news-wise. Plenty of positives, but – as County Commissioner  Richard put it in the most recent GLMW newsletter ‘we are not yet out of the woods’. 


Looking at the term so far, and plans for events in the next few months, we are full of admiration for all of you. Your efforts in tackling all the extra challenges have made it possible for many young people in our district to benefit safely from face to face Scouting this term. Below are a few snapshots of the impressive variety of outdoor activities our sections have been enjoying.


Earlier this week – following the Government’s delay of Step 4 to 19th July – we had the announcement from The Scouting Association (TSA) of an amendment to the continuing Yellow state of readiness for Scouting in England , with camping permitted for up to 30 young people from 21st June onwards – although the covid-secure rules for any Nights Away this summer are going to be demanding. More on this below 


Here’s a summary of this month’s Newsletter


    • Beaver Adventure Days 
    • News from the Groups
    • Welcome to new leaders
    • Awards
    • Keeping abreast of National Scouting’s announcements (Camping etc)
    • Size of events & AGMs
    • Upcoming District Events  
      • Tomorrow! Skills Day  for Leaders (19th June) @ Walter Davies
      • Archery permit course: 19th & 20th July
      • Camporee:  26th-27th & 28th-29th July
      • Totem: 2nd-3rd Oct
  • News from GLMW & National (TSA)
    • GLMW  – training on offer
    • Zoom extension
    • New Money Skills Badge for Beavers & Cubs
    • #Goodforyou
    • Recruitment webinars
    • Thank you day 
    • Gilwell Reunion


Fabulous Fun: our recent Beaver Adventure Days

(Heather reports) What an amazing time our Beavers had at PACCAR on 5th and 6th June! It all went like clockwork, thanks to the careful planning and timetabling by Tash and Mandy. After heavy rain on Friday,  it was dry and sunny when it mattered and Mandy and Tash had to put up extra shelters for shade! There were  4 Groups participating on  the Saturday and 5 on the Sunday, and each group operated separately as they rotated around the 5 different adventurous activities, including crate stacking and the giant zip wire. Over the two days, more than 90 Beavers from Ealing and Hanwell had an absolute blast. The PACCAR Instructors were great – and they in turn commented on how well behaved and delightful the E&H Beavers had been to work with. Some children found they could do things they initially thought beyond them – and it was wonderful to see how proud they were of themselves. Definitely #SkillsforLife 



News from the Groups

What a busy term! All our Groups have been getting out and about.

6th Ealing have enjoyed an outing to Oaks Table Tennis Club, plus sessions at their allotment patch. Their sections have also played footgolf and/or frisbee golf at the Horsenden Hill Activity Centre.  Similarly 1EN Cub have had a go at Footgolf – but in their case at Hanger Hill Park (and 16E and 25E Beavers and Cubs are also going there next week).

1EN, 16E, 7H and Brigantia have run a variety of activities at the District’s own Walter Davies Campsite.

7H, 9E, 6E and 5H have all organised activity days at PACCAR.

16E Beavers will be going to Perivale Wood in July

1EN  Scouts are off on a 25 mile cycling expedition to Richmond Park  in a few weeks time.

And of course there have been hikes, litter picking and regular meetings held by many of our Group’s sections in myriad local parks – Gunnersbury, Pitshanger, Elthorne, Cuckoo, Walpole, Montpelier and more.


To share YOUR activity experiences in our next newsletter- email n.patel@ealingandhanwellscouts.org.uk 


Welcome to our Newest Leaders!

A warm welcome to Svilena and Petar, new ABSLs with 16th Ealing Beavers, Andy who is a new ACSL with 9th Ealing Cubs and Anthony as a new ACSL with 5th Hanwell Cubs. 



We are looking forward to presenting the next round of awards at the District AGM in September. 

Ahead of that, we are delighted to announce Exceptional Service Awards from TSA for two very special Leaders in our District:

Mary Power has been awarded the Silver Acorn

Di Ljubisic has been awarded the Bar to the Silver Acorn 


Tim Kidd has just written to both Mary and Di and we now join him – on behalf of this whole District –  in congratulating them both! We look forward to celebrating these and other achievements in September and to making the actual presentations.


Keeping abreast of National Scouting announcements: What comes next – 21st June onwards (and beyond 19th July)

Keep checking the main page for state of Readiness rules for England. In particular please note one key sentence from that page: “It’s important to remember that we’re still in the middle of the pandemic and we all have the duty to make sure we’re following the letter and spirit of the guidance.”



On the newly announced changes re Camping, here’s a message from HQ staff (via facebook): “the camping guidance is currently being updated. What’s online is what is valid today (17th) not from 21st. We are busy updating it all – it’s a fair amount to do and we want to get it right! Monday is the target to have it live!” So – please check the following link again on/after Monday: https://www.scouts.org.uk/volunteers/getting-back-together-safely/nights-away-and-international-travel/planning-covid-safe-nights-away-in-2021/


It’s also worth quoting (in full) a recent comment from Grame Hamilton, deputy UK Chief Commissioner, replying to a Facebook posting querying the various rules

“All. I am happy to comment to help with understanding. Please remember that the guidance and regulations come from government supported by Public Health England and we would all like different things. Remember too that different rules apply in different parts of the UK, eg in Scotland they can also camp in groups of 30 but each person must be in a different tent or room. Social distancing is not easy, and camping under the remaining restrictions will not suit all leaders. But for some, and for the young people themselves, or with parental agreement, the chance to camp this summer even with those limitations will be something a section will want to do. As we have said all year now, just because you can, does not mean you have to. Look at the framework and as a team, with your young people, plan what you want to do. As to post 19th July, we don’t yet know what or how much restrictions will lift (or if they definitely will) so plan on what is shared today and anything else beyond that may be a bonus; unless there is a frightening turn if events, we do not expect anything announced this week to be reversed during the school holidays. And please do share your plans and actual camps so we can share them wider with others”


For any section Leaders and GSLs interested in seeking approval for a camp this Summer, please contact Heather for an early chat – once, that is,  you’ve read and digested the guidance as updated on Monday 21st June.


(Also to note, while it doesn’t deal with covid aspects as such, the newly revised Nights Away Handbook is a useful resource to check through if planning a camp after such a long period without doing so – and to be reminded of the various new rules (such as Risk Assessment submission with Nights Away Notification). The District has so far bought one reference copy of this book, which Heather is holding. Any Groups without a copy of their own are very welcome to take turns to borrow this one.)


Limit on large-scale Events and AGMs

(Current rules, plus looking ahead to the Autumn) https://www.scouts.org.uk/volunteers/getting-back-together-safely/guidance-for-large-scale-events/


A decision has not yet been taken on whether the District AGM will be possible/advisable as a face-to-face meeting on 22nd September versus via Zoom. We will assess nearer the time.


And what about Group AGMs? Autumn is certainly a better bet if hoping for a face-to-face gathering (but still not certain even then). For this term, TSA advises that AGMs should (in general)  be held online not in person. 


For ANY adult-only events or any large gatherings mixing adults and young people, Groups should opt for outdoors and must abide by the government limit for social gatherings outdoors  (currently the maximum remains 30 until at least 19th July)


“The principles of this [large event] guidance in relation to young people gathering applies to adults only events too, except that government guidance on numbers meeting together indoors and outdoors, and on socialising applies.  We remind everyone that it remains safer to meet outdoors than inside and where possible, continuing to use online functions is safe and offers reassurance to many of our adult volunteers. Remember too that the Charity Commission (and nation equivalents) still have exemptions in place which allow AGMs to take place online or by video link.” 


Upcoming District events

Skills Day – TOMORROW (19th June) 

Huge thanks to Mark Yates and the whole team – including Howard, Sergio, Ben Douglas and Cliff – who have put together a terrific day of Outdoor Skills training for a lucky group of Leaders out at Walter Davies. Can’t wait to get stuck in!


Archery Permit Training 17th-18th July 

The district is able to fund one place per Group on the upcoming course* – ie 10 funded places for E&H groups plus 1 for Explorers. This is in the hope that we will then be able to make great use of the Archery Range at Walter Davies. GSLs have been asked to nominate people for the funded places. Please contact Cliff Brooke and your GSL if you are interested – Let’s get as many people trained up as possible so that our young people can enjoy the facilities! (*a group can ‘carry forward’ their funded place to later this year if necessary)


Camporee 26th-29th July

The planning for the exciting non-residential version of Camporee is now well advanced. Each group is able to bring up to 12 young people for 2 consecutive days of activities including archery, rifles, backwoods cooking and a very special showstopper activity! Thanks to Martin Truss and the rest of the team who are working hard to make this a very special experience in spite of the restrictions.


Totem 3rd-4th October

The aim is to hold an event for Scouts on the first weekend of October. Exactly what will be possible is, of course, subject to the restrictions at the time. Stuart Flaye and team will plan accordingly, so more detail to follow post 19th July announcements.  


Information from elsewhere





National HQ:

    • Zoom extension now confirmed: 12 more months has been agreed.


Yours in Scouting

Heather, Mandy & Nisha

DC & DDC Team, Ealing & Hanwell  






Sat 19th – Adult Leaders Outdoor Skills Training (at Walter Davies)

22nd – GLMW Mod 10A First Aid (online) 7-10pm (book via GLMW website)

26th- GLMW Mod 10B (practical) @ Greenford HQ (see GLMW website – for those who’ve already done 10A only)



Fri 2nd – Campsite committee (tbc)

Sat 17th & Sun 18th – Archery permit training 

Mon 26th – Thurs 29th E&H Cub Camporee (non-residential)



Thurs 9th – District Executive Committee

Wed 22nd – District AGM


(Autumn – date tbc: 2023 Jamboree Roadshow for E&H) 



Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd – Totem competition for Scouts (non-residential if necessary – tbc) 

Sat 9th – E&H Beaver Hike

Sun 10th – E&H Cub Monopoly Run

Tue 12th – Core Team meeting

Wed 20th – GSLs meeting 


Sun 14th – Remembrance Sunday parade

Thurs 25th – District Executive 



GLMW Ski Trip

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

Find out more