District Awards Presentation January 2021

Date: 18th Jan 2021 Author: Heather Jones

Our District Awards Presentation was held on Monday 4th January in the presence of our County Commissioner Richard Williams.   You can view a recording of the presentation here https://youtu.be/sFIIPZZ_k_g

The District Commissioner Team were honoured to present the following:

Length of Service Awards

Akil Hewitt – 5th Hanwell

Alish McCulloch – 25th Ealing

Angela Thomas – 8th Hanwell

Anthony Browne – 8th Ealing

Aoife Nguyen – 8th Ealing

Howard Branley – 1st Ealing North

Irum Hamad – 8th Hanwell

Jacob Treanor – Network

Karen Schroder – 9th Ealing

Katie Bedborough – 1st Hanwell

Philippa Egan – 8th Ealing

Robert Scoynes – District & 8th Ealing

Ruth Shaw – 8th Hanwell

Anne Rule – 1st Ealing North

Gareth George – District (Explorers)

Joanne Witter – 1st Hanwell

John Stanton – 5th Hanwell

Martin Bedborough – 1st Hanwell

Andrew Schutz – 7th Hanwell

Ben Douglas – 1st Hanwell

Anthony Lee – 1st Ealing North


Wood Badges

Since September 1919 adult volunteers in the Scouts have been awarded the Wood Badge on the completion of their leader training.   The basic badge is made up of two wooden beads worn at the end of a leather lace.

The Wood Badge’s design took inspiration from a necklace brought back from Africa by Scouting’s Founder, Robert Baden-Powell.

The role listed below is that which the Wood Badge was awarded for as adults can receive additional Wood Badges when they complete their training for additional roles. Those marked with a * are for an additional role so the adult does not receive another actual set of wood beads.

Andrew Hirst – 25th Ealing

Georgina Horwich – 25th Ealing

Ian Duckworth – 1st Hanwell

Nisha Patel – 25th Ealing

Adrian Walker – 7th Hanwell*

Mona Jamal – 16th Ealing*

Ben Pearson – District*

Ben Douglas – District Scout Leader*

Nuria Belinchon – District (Explorers)*

Sergio Garrido-Lestache – District (Explorers)*

Heather Jones – District*

Commissioner’s Commendation

The Commissioner’s Commendation is a local award to recognise service where perhaps the adult does not meet the length of service requirements of some of the other awards.

They are:

Nuria Belinchon– for exceptional service in the 7th Hanwell Scout Group

The Chief Scout’s Commendation for Good Service

The Chief Scout’s Commendation for Good Service is given in respect of not less than 5 years good service, which stands out. It should be regarded as the Chief Scout’s recognition of the very real contribution made to the Association by the individual concerned.

We received and approved nominations this year for five uniformed volunteers that provide fantastic service to their groups and the wider District.

Andrew Ohl – for exceptional service on the District AAC Panel for many years

Clint Ernestine – for many years of excellent service in uniformed and non-uniformed capacity at 1st Hanwell

Ita Alphonse – for many years of excellent service at the 8th Hanwell

Joanne Bedborough – for many years of excellent service at the 1st Hanwell

Mags Thomson – for many years of excellent service at the 1st Ealing North

Simon Croydon – for many years of excellent service at the 8th Hanwell

Award For Merit

The Award for Merit is given for outstanding service. It implies keen, conscientious, imaginative and dedicated service over a sustained period, of at least 12 years duration (exceptionally 10).

We received and were delighted to approve two nominations this year for the Award for Merit.  They are:

Ben Douglas – Ben holds a number of roles within Group, District and County and provides a high level of service across all.  He joined as an Assistant Scout Leader back in 2005 and is now their Group Scout Leader; moving from leader to manager is never easy but Ben has worked hard in his three years as GSL to develop himself and the group.  He also works as part of the County crew at PACCAR, is a member of the Totem Management Team and has most recently agreed to manage the District’s own Campsite Crew.

Sue Hyde – Has given over 15 years of high quality Scouting in Ealing & Hanwell.  Sue first joined the 1st Hanwell as a cub leader back in 2001 and has held District roles as Secretary for over 5 years before returning to the 1st Hanwell as Secretary in 2019.

Peter Hyde – Pete first joined the 1st Hanwell as a cub leader back in 1999 and had been their Group Scout Leader and currently the Chair.  Pete has been a fantastic servant for over 15 years.

Silver Wolf

This award is the unrestricted gift of the Chief Scout.  It’s only awarded for service of a most exceptional nature.

It’s not normally awarded until at least a Silver Acorn has been previously gained and a further prolonged period of exceptional service has been achieved. In practice, it’s rarely awarded for less than 30 years’ service although, because it is the Chief Scout’s unrestricted gift, no length of service is prescribed.

Malcolm Turner – 1st Ealing North

Malcolm joined the 1st Ealing North as Scout leader in 1983.  He had been their Scout Leader for over 20 years (1983-2007) and Group Scout Leader for 13 before stepping down to the role of Deputy Group Scout Leader in 2020.  Malcolm also holds the informal role of Quartermaster of the Group’s extensive camping stores. Malcolm has done a incredible job for Scouting in Ealing & Hanwell for over 40 years and his impact on our young people is impossible to measure.  Thank you Malcolm.  We were incredibly proud to be able to support this award and present it.

Thank you to those listed above and all adults that give up their time for Scouting day after day, week after week, year after year.  We couldn’t do it without you.

Heather Jones & Ben Pearson

The District Commissioner Team




Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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