April 2021 Newsletter from the DC Team 

Date: 18th Apr 2021 Author: Heather Jones

Next weekend is our annual St George’s Day event, delivered virtually but with many of the items we would traditionally include; the renewal of promise, celebration of young people and adults that have made us proud over the last 12 months.  More on this later.  We are looking forward to what will, hopefully, be the final District-wide Zoom/virtual event before we can all meet again in person.  As the Easter holidays finish this week most of our sections will be returning to their meetings with many of them meeting in person for the first time in over four months.


The Duke of Edinburgh died just over a week ago and his funeral was held this weekend.  We do not celebrate the Duke for his direct contribution to Scouting but his indirect contribution to Scouts through The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has been huge.  Many young people and adults in Ealing & Hanwell have completed different levels of the Award and it has had a positive impact on many of their lives.  My (Ben) direct involvement as a DofE Leader and through running the County’s Expedition Training scheme means I have been fortunate to see at close hand the life lessons the Award gives young people as they walk up mountains in horrible weather, spend time volunteering or learn new skills.  We thank the Duke for being instrumental in creating the Award but also for his lessons in service and commitment; over 70 years of public service to the Queen and Country is an incredible achievement.


Here’s a quick summary of this month’s Newsletter


  • District. 
    • Amber rules
    • Camping
    • District St George’s Event, Sat 24th-Sun 25th April
    • District changes – with some laying down roles & others starting new appointments
    • District Vacancies
  • Info from elsewhere – 
    • GLMW
      • Skiing Trip, Easter 2022 ( Info Zoom for this 11th May 2021)
    • National
      • Recruitment Workshops


Amber rules for face-to-face

Amber rules for face to face scouting are now in place (including the indoors option, although outdoors is preferred as much as possible). We know that a few outdoor sessions were organised by certain Groups during the Easter holidays and our campsite has been utilised.


The news about the lifting of the maximum group size for youth sessions (except for Network) gives section leaders helpful flexibility – but please be careful to plan sessions that are workable with full 2m social distancing throughout, and keep to a group size that is compatible with this. Separate sections only – no joint meetings (except for very small sections who can combine) 

Also, if you’re likely to be meeting indoors for some or all of any session, you MUST limit the group size according to the size of the indoor space so that full 2m social distancing is maintained. 



Also please note the rules on the use of face coverings when indoors (and even in some cases when outdoors) https://www.scouts.org.uk/volunteers/getting-back-together-safely/protecting-ourselves-and-others/


Adult-only meetings (AAC, Executive Committee, work-party days) should meet online where feasible, but for face-to-face these meetings remain limited to the rule of 6 for face to face – with outdoors strongly encouraged rather than indoors (and no use of private houses for indoor meetings). Such meetings do not include social gatherings. This is the relevant page to read the guidance in full https://www.scouts.org.uk/volunteers/getting-back-together-safely/guidance-for-getting-adults-involved-again/


Network maximum is 15 for programme activity, but rule of 6 if social/non-programme. 


Don’t forget your District Activity Notification if meeting away from your normal meeting place.  https://www.ealingandhanwellscouts.org.uk/members/activity-notification



We know that everyone is desperate to hear about the likely timing for overnight camping being allowed, particularly those hoping they might be permitted to run a summer camp of some kind this year. But no indication has been given by HQ as yet, and speculation isn’t going to help.


However, the use of scout campsites by separate households for separate private camping (and use of the on-site activities) WILL be possible this summer again, like last summer. PACCAR has already confirmed they will be taking bookings from separate households. You are very welcome to promote this to your Group’s families, but please do not encourage any coordinated plan: no unofficial family camps please!  Anything that could be interpreted as a get-together opportunity should be avoided.



District St George’s Event (including Optional Camp-at-home) Sat 24th-Sun 25th April – still time to REGISTER


The form covers all parts of the event separately – so non-campers please also use it to register for Sunday morning. https://forms.gle/qY9UEfyLZ9wUnyBC8


Advance information for the camping part (the list of Saturday challenges, menu suggestions, kit list and guidance notes for those camping) has  just been sent out to all participants who had booked individually so far (or via section leaders for group registrations). Please check your email junk folder if you had booked but hadn’t received this, or alert Heather if it hasn’t reached you.  Further detailed information – plus those crucial Zoom links (for the Saturday pm/evening and Sunday 9am & 10am Zooms) – will follow in the next few days. 


There’s still time to join in – Section leaders, please encourage your young people to camp at home and for the older members, outside.  Heather has done an incredible job (so says Ben) of pulling this together and the weather is looking dry but a little bit cold overnight.  The Sunday morning event at 10am will be the formal St George’s Day event so uniform required.


Those attending the main St George’s Day event at 10am will need the Zoom Webinar link – included below for your convenience (please note we have to use a separate link for the 9am session- so if attending both 9am and 10am you’ll need to switch)


(We will also be sending all the necessary Zoom link information directly to those who have pre-booked)


Zoom webinar.

When: Apr 25, 2021 10:00 AM London

Topic: Ealing & Hanwell St George’s Day Celebration


Please click the link below to join the webinar:


Webinar ID: 923 8689 1788

Passcode: 17700288


District changes 


Those ending their District roles – huge thanks for all they’ve done 


  • John Matthews is stepping down from his role as Leighton Hall booker, and as a member of the Appointments Advisory Committee. John unfortunately caught covid last year, and is also 87, so understandably he has decided that it’s now time to cut back – but he remains keen to keep in touch. Thank you John for all your support over many years.
  • Ben Pearson.  St George’s Day will be Ben’s final event as part of the District Commissioner Team and his Explorer roles.  Ben will be leading the main Sunday event as it’s his last one (and – Heather adds – the rest of us also want to take the opportunity on the 25th to say a massive thank you to Ben. Do join us and help make this a suitably celebratory send-off!)


Welcome to new District Appointees


  • Martin Truss, District Cub Leader.  Martin is joining as a District Cub Leader and will be responsible for running the section for the District.  Martin can be contacted on m.truss@ealingandhanwellscouts.org.uk. Thank you Martin.
  • Michael Cahill has agreed to be our IT Admin person and will be taking the role on from Ben P.  Mike already performs this role for the 1st Ealing North but we are hugely grateful to Michael for agreeing to support the District.  Michael can be contacted on ITAdmin@ealingandhanwellscouts.org.uk.  If you need a new District account created please contact Michael.
  • Nigel Woodward, Scout Leader at 16th Ealing, has answered our appeal for additional adults to join our Brigantia ESU leadership team.  We were really hoping that new adults would answer our appeal but are incredibly grateful to Nigel for adding an extra night to his Scouting commitment as we are in danger of closing one of our Explorer meetings with the leaders we have.  More still needed.


District Vacancies

We still have several vacancies across the District Team.  Please contact Heather, Mandy or Nisha if you would like to know more, are interested or would like to recommend someone.  


They are:

  • District Commissioner – Team Role
  • Deputy District Commissioner (14-25) 
  • District Explorer Scout Commissioner
  • Duke of Edinburgh Programme Manager 
  • District Network Scout Commissioner
  • Additional Nights Away Advisors (for different levels – need at least one for Green field)


Information from elsewhere



Ski Trip 2022 Folgarida Marilleva, Italy

Harrow District (Joint event leaders Tyler Skerton and Ian Parkinson) are planning a ski trip to Folgarida Marilleva from 1st to 9th April 2022. All members of GLMW County are invited (Scouts, Explorers, Leaders – regardless of ski ability). There will be an information evening on 11th May 2021 at 7pm by Zoom

Further details can be found on the poster here  And you can register your interest  here


Keep up with other GLMW News here https://www.glmwscouts.org.uk/news


National HQ:

Recruitment Workshops

As we plan for welcoming back new and existing youth members, we can also think about recruiting new volunteers to our teams, to help with face to face and blended delivery of programmes. The Regional Services Team are hosting an interactive workshop on a number of dates – still on offer through until to 29th April, that are aimed at helping all Leaders and Section leaders to recruit new adult volunteers. Further info plus chance to register for any of the listed dates here https://www.scouts.org.uk/events/2021/rst/volunteer-recruitment-workshops/?fbclid=IwAR23Y3hiSjKGrFX2ububFZwkRDdYzvVI-kTWI8oJCN-Jn9gcrVNkMw1_J1A


Yours in Scouting

Ben and Heather

DC Team, Ealing & Hanwell  







19th – District Beaver Leaders meeting, 8pm (Zoom)

Sat 24th – Sun 25th – E&H St George’s Day Camp-at-Home. (Finishing with Celebration of Achievements, Renewal of Promises & Presentations on Sunday morning) 


Mon 26th – NB Date change of Cub Leader meeting  – postponed to next week 


Tues 11th, 8pm – Core Team

Wed 19th – GSLs meeting



Sat 5th -Sun 6th E&H Beaver Activity Days at PACCAR

Wed. 9th – District Executive Committee

Sat 19th -Sun 20th June Adult Leaders Outdoor Skills Sessions (at Walter Davies)



24-31 E&H Cub Camporee (non-residential if necessary)



Totem Skills Day (for Scout Section) 

9th – District Executive Committee

22nd – District AGM



9th – E&H All-Section Monopoly Run


GLMW Ski Trip

Reminder – training options

Training courses being provided by GLMW through Zoom are listed on the Training calendar here



You can also find a very handy list of all other Remote training options on this  GLMW page, click here  


To ensure that Compass gets updated, please alert your Training Adviser or GSL when you’ve completed any online module and also send Jenny Foxwell your completion certificate je.foxwell@ealingandhanwellscouts.org.uk   


Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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